Ruby Lights

HEYA from Ruby Lights!

Ruby Lights is a local handmade small biz in Perth, Western Australia. Our Candles are all Soy Based, which give that clean and strong scented burn that you all love so! Our range includes Soy Candles, Reed Diffusers and a new and popular Essential Oil Range consisting of 3 pure essential oil blends in candles, purpose perfume oils, and a pure blend of each. We love how the simple act of lighting a candle can bring so much calm, joy and light into peoples lives and want to share that as much as possible!

Behind the brand? I'm Tara, the creator, candle maker, ideas and maker. I am a young mum of 2 young ones who like to help out sometimes too.

With love and light,

Tara Mowat - RL

Other Stallholders

Soy Candles
Soy Candles
Element - Concrete and Glass Soy Candle
Element - Concrete and Glass Soy Candle
Concrete Soy Candles
Concrete Soy Candles
Geo Glass Soy Candles
Geo Glass Soy Candles
Concrete Decor Items
Concrete Decor Items
Ebony Black Soy Candle
Ebony Black Soy Candle
Car / Hanging Diffusers
Car / Hanging Diffusers
Troll Pillar Soy Candles - a collaboration with When Cara Met Rex & TerrAIRiumWA
Troll Pillar Soy Candles - a collaboration with When Cara Met Rex & TerrAIRiumWA
Perth Candles - collaboration with Claire Tincey Design
Perth Candles - collaboration with Claire Tincey Design
Essential Oil Soy Candles
Essential Oil Soy Candles
Purpose Perfume Oil - Essential Range
Purpose Perfume Oil - Essential Range
Market set ups
Market set ups
NEW Essential Blend Mists
NEW Essential Blend Mists

Other Stallholders