April 2016 Market
3rd April 2016 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
58 Duncraig Rd, Applecross
Perth Makers Market is a new handmade only market in Applecross. Offering over 90 stalls including woodwork, toys, clothing, terrariums, art, sculpture and more there are plenty of beautiful items to see (and buy!).
Bring the kids along for a picnic or barbeque and play on the pirate ship playground, or participate in the activities offered by Gowrie (story time, puppet show, craft and face painting) for a gold coin donation. After a more refined dining experience? Why not dine at Blue Water Grill for breakfast or lunch - or stop and have a beautiful Devonshire Tea? For a true market experience you can dine with our food vendors as you sit and listen to the buskers.
Also running at Heathcote Cultural Precinct on our April 3rd market day is the City of Melville Sculpture Walk, an artist open day and the on site museum and gallery will be open for viewing for the duration of the market.
This event will have something for everyone and is a market not to be missed!
Here are the 92 stallholders who appeared at our market on 3rd April 2016 at Heathcote Cultural Precinct!