J&V Collection

Personalized Aromatherapy, Tailored to You

Explore a personalized aromatherapy experience with our themed products. No matter your preferred scent, these products seamlessly blend with your favorite essential oils, bringing you joy and comfort anytime, anywhere.

Product Features:

• Customizable Fragrance: Each themed product can be infused with your favorite essential oils, creating a unique aroma tailored to your preferences.
• Versatile Application: Whether at home, in the office, or in your car, these products can be easily placed to add a fresh scent to your living environment.
• Easy to Use: Simply add a few drops of essential oil, and the product will release a long-lasting fragrance, enveloping you in natural aromas.

A Tailored Aromatherapy Experience for You

Whether you prefer fresh citrus or romantic rose scents, our themed products can fulfill all your aromatic fantasies. Fill every moment with your favorite fragrance, enjoying a comfortable and pleasant lifestyle.

Embark on Your Personalized Aromatherapy Journey Today

Through our themed products, infuse your space with a unique ambiance and personalized scent. Begin your aromatherapy journey and experience the magical charm of essential oils.

Sand texture diffuser pendant
Sand texture diffuser pendant
Shop Logo
Shop Logo
Aroma Plaster holder (Multi-Function)
Aroma Plaster holder (Multi-Function)
Aroma Diffuser Pendant- Sakura
Aroma Diffuser Pendant- Sakura
Aroma Plaster Holder (multi-functional)
Aroma Plaster Holder (multi-functional)
Diffuser Art Pendant- Moonlight
Diffuser Art Pendant- Moonlight
Diffuser Pendant- Carousel
Diffuser Pendant- Carousel
Diffuser Art Pendant - Wave
Diffuser Art Pendant - Wave
Diffuser Art Pendant-Moon Starlight
Diffuser Art Pendant-Moon Starlight
Diffuser Art Pendant - Aurora Peaks
Diffuser Art Pendant - Aurora Peaks
Diffuser Plaster Pendant - Sunset Lovers
Diffuser Plaster Pendant - Sunset Lovers
Fragrance and Essential oil
Fragrance and Essential oil
Fragrance and Essential oil
Fragrance and Essential oil
Fragrance and Essential oil
Fragrance and Essential oil
Fragrance and Essential oil
Fragrance and Essential oil
Diffuser Plaster Pendant - Cameilla
Diffuser Plaster Pendant - Cameilla
Handmade clock frame - Dog
Handmade clock frame - Dog
Handmade Clock frame-Little Kitty
Handmade Clock frame-Little Kitty
Handmade Clock Frame- Bookshelf
Handmade Clock Frame- Bookshelf
Handmade clock frame- Elephant
Handmade clock frame- Elephant
Diffuser Scent figure
Diffuser Scent figure
Diffuser scent figure
Diffuser scent figure
Handmade Lava Rock bracelet
Handmade Lava Rock bracelet
Diffuser Plaster Figure
Diffuser Plaster Figure
Diffuser Plaster Figure
Diffuser Plaster Figure
Diffuser Plaster Figure
Diffuser Plaster Figure
Diffuser Plaster Figure
Diffuser Plaster Figure
Aroma Crystal Jar
Aroma Crystal Jar
Market set up
Market set up
Sand texture diffuser pendants
Sand texture diffuser pendants
Hand painted Custom Made diffuser pendants
Hand painted Custom Made diffuser pendants