Design and Co by G.

Hi there, I'm Gabrielle, a passionate artist and designer with a keen eye for details, who believe art should be fun and create emotions.
I dig into everyday little things to communicate feelings and create interaction between a visual and people all around me.
Although my passion for painting started with large abstract acrylic pieces, I have most recently found LOVE with inks. At Up Market, you'll discover my latest collection of watercolours and inks... a playful bunch of small pieces that will put a smile on your face, and brighten your home.
Art is my life, and I feel very privileged to be able to share it all with you today.

Other Stallholders

Tropical Leaves
Tropical Leaves
Blue Hexagons
Blue Hexagons
Fly Away Butterflies
Fly Away Butterflies
Party with a Starfish
Party with a Starfish
Prickly Desert
Prickly Desert
Watercolour Squares Series
Watercolour Squares Series
watercolour Squares - Pink
watercolour Squares - Pink
Watercolour Squares - Green
Watercolour Squares - Green
Watercolour Squares
Watercolour Squares
Watercolour Squares - Blue
Watercolour Squares - Blue

Other Stallholders