Henley's Comet

Henley’s Comet is more to me than just selling art and being creative.
The crescent moon picture, which is now the Henley's Comet logo, was the very first picture I drew in the middle of 2020, a few months after the loss of our 3rd baby in utero, her name is Henley.
The 3 lanterns in the logo represent our 3 babies.
I like to think they are somewhere out in the universe together, dancing around the moon, happy and healthy.

I started drawing as an outlet for my grief and after a while my drawings also became a comfort and a way to honour Henley.
I want to share my art with others to keep Henley’s memory and the immense love we have for her and her 2 moon siblings alive.
I also want to create a safe space for open conversations, awareness and a supportive environment for a subject that is usually treated with careless responses, shame and silence.
I hope that anyone that has experienced pregnancy loss and fertility issues as the mother, partner or family can take comfort in that they are not alone.
I’m selling these creations at little profit and 10% of all my sales are going to charity.
To foundations that support parents and families that have suffered a loss and the heart wrenching aftermath.

When I'm asked to describe my business, I can't really describe it without first telling the meaning behind it. My small little business has a whole lot of heart and it's important to me to share that.

Henley's Comet is a collection of lovingly hand drawn art with intricate patterns nestled within the artworks itself. I feel like this represents us as humans and our lived experiences.
There are so many pieces that collectively make up those things. The good, the bad, all an intricate beautiful pattern that is us and our lives.
I am also about to start a line of clay art to introduce into Henley's Comet.
Again using art to represent life, creating something beautiful, resilient and unique that can come out of a harsh and difficult substance.

I hope that my collection sprinkles some fun, joy and uniqueness in people’s home while also fostering a legacy and a community of support, love, compassion and hope.

Other Stallholders

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Whimsy Waters
Carl the Cockatoo
Carl the Cockatoo
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a day in the life of a creative mind
a day in the life of a creative brain part 2
a day in the life of a creative brain part 2
Lottie the Koala
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Bernard the Balloon Man
Bernard the Balloon Man
The Three Amigos
The Three Amigos
Pierre The Possum
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Betty the Bat
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Doris the Butterfly
Doris the Butterfly
Burt the Beetle
Burt the Beetle
Finius the Fish
Finius the Fish
The crew
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The Gang
The Gang

Other Stallholders