Nur Beeswax Candles
All products are hand made/hand rolled from 100% beeswax and foundation sheets for beehives. The wick is of braided cotton.
No paraffin or soy added. No fragrances or toxic chemicals added. Some natural food colouring/spices are added to give a festive colour to a small percentage of the candles made from 100% natural beeswax.
Our candles don't drip, and by releasing negative ions into the atmosphere binding with toxins in the air, the beeswax freshens the atmosphere with the ambience of a beautiful candle.
The thick cotton wick gives out a high flame and when burning, the outline of the 'honeycomb' look of the candle adds to it's beauty.
The candle can stand on it's own, but many of the different sizes available will fit into your favourite candle holder or candelabra.
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