The Art of Jem Ham
Jem is a Melbourne born, self-taught artist who started painting on brick walls with water at the age of four. Fascinated by the way the water marked the brick and the ability to bring to life something from within, his love for art was born. Since then, it has been a journey of self-discovery through art, fuelled by a passionate need to create.
Jem’s work aims to visually represent the nature and psychology of the inner sphere of the artist. It is an attempt to understand the day to day psyche through self-expression and the creation of an original visual aesthetic. The process aims to tap into the subconscious world of imagination to reveal something from within which is often vague in the mind but comes to life through the process of drawing. As the whimsical creations are evolved manifestations of the artist’s inner sphere, the freedom in which each element can be interpreted allows the viewer to also connect to a naive imagination.
The evolution of each artwork is triggered by recognition of the whirling maelstrom of seemingly random elements within. From this heightened state of being, the pencil hits the paper, channelling this creative energy into physical form.
Drawing influences from a range of artistic styles, his art comes with a large dose of heart, a touch of the surreal and psychedelic, a hint of realism, and a dash of whimsy. In essence, his works are a soapbox for the subconscious mind, giving voice to the imaginative world within.
Jem currently lives by the beach in Fremantle, Western Australia and has exhibited in Australia and internationally.
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