Eimear Rita
EimearRita is a line of unique and stylish belt-bags that are designed and handmade from recycled fabrics.
These bum-bags can be worn around the waist or cross-body, and each one has a unique button as well as inner zip for added security. They aim to match your outfit while keeping your valuables close to your body and away from pick pockets.
Wether you are travelling, babysitting, going to a festival or just to the pub these unique and useful bags will let you do it all hands free.
The design came about after a lifetime of cutting things up and sewing them back together I hand-sewed a bum bag to bring travelling. The positive feedback it received pushed me into developing a line of bags, but this time with a sewing machine!
Keep and eye out for the new line of bags coming soon with new recycled fabrics including corduroy, tartan, red velvet, 70's style stripes and more.
You can find the bags for purchase on Etsy here: eimearrita.etsy.com.
More snaps can be found here: instagram.com/eimearrita."
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