Maddie's EarthScentuals
Maddie's EarthScentuals lovingly creates hand-crafted customised candles, home fragrances and decadent skincare products.
Maddie's EarthScentuals is passionately committed to the use of sustainably sourced, environmentally friendly raw materials.
Maddie Sims have spent many years in office administration. After being made redundant (for the second time) in 2016, she decided to become a lady of leisure, while deciding what to do with her life. For many years she had an interest in natural health and also skincare and beauty.
She started researching about natural skincare products and learned about the many harmful ingredients that us wonderful ladies so love to slather all over ourselves.
Then one day, while having a coffee with her best friend Google, she stumbled upon a recipe for a homemade body balm. She thought to herself: "Hey, why not try it? You have all the ingredients, including a couple of nice essential oils."
Never did she have a creative bone in her body...or so she thought!
She made the balm. It came out well. She started to research some ingredients and thought that she could most definitely create her own body balm, using better ingredients
And so Mag Magick Body Balm was born. After a few false starts, numerous reformulations and endless amounts of patience, perseverance and love, Mag Magick Body Balm has finally grown up.
It is a beautifully decadent balm made with organic Hemp Oil and organic Evening Primrose oil, infused with various skin soothing herbs, such as Plantain, Calendula and others, as well as wonderful essential oils, Manuka honey powder and the Magnesium Chloride that puts the Mag in Mag Magick. Of course, it is also preserved, using a preservative approved for use in organic formulations.
One day Maddie was reading an article about how harmful burning ordinary paraffin wax candles can be. That, just by burning a couple of candles, the air quality inside our homes, can be worse than the air quality outside.
Yes, she gave her Red Dot-bought paraffin candles the flick. But now what? It's not just the paraffin wax, it's the fragrances that are being used too.
So, soy wax is really big out there at the moment, but wax just didn't do it for Maddie.
She learned about palm wax candles through an American Facebook friend of hers. Again she thought, why not?
She raided hubby's bank account, bought some cheap moulds, and some RSPO-certified palm wax, watched some YouTube videos (Thank you, Google.) and made her first few candles.
Then she saw someone putting an image, printed on tissue paper onto a candle. Wow! How unique. She started experimenting, well, failing and failing and failing, really. But she's a stubborn little thing. Just ask the a fore-mentioned hubby!
The decals she used at first was simply not durable enough. Extremely fragile things, that got damaged too easily. Finally after many months of frustration she created a process that made her decals more durable. And so her palm wax candle range, Memories of Light was born.
She then decided to add to her range and now also offer diffuser reeds and aroma beads.
All fragrances used in Memories of Light palm wax candles, diffuser reeds and aroma beads are IFRA-certified, which means that the fragrances are created within strict guidelines for safety.
No artificial fragrance will ever touch Maddie's EarthScentuals skincare products. Only the natural scents of plants, as given by Mother Nature, fragrance Maddie's EarthScentuals Mag Magick and other skincare products.
Maddie's EarthScentuals. Infused with Love.
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