Nanna Chooks
Nanna Chooks provides a collection of the best Home-Style products, taking local quality produce to create delicious, home-style products just the way Nanna used to make.
Nanna Chooks has been a passion of mine for many years but has only just started to come to fruition. I am a one-gal band but with the help of terrific family & friends I am gathering momentum with my passion for wholesome home-made produce.
I offer home-style spreads, cakes, sauces and preserves as well as home-style bathroom products and herbal teas.
There are so many products out there on shelves full of preservatives, artificial this and artificial that. There are chemicals, sweeteners and things added just for colour. At Nanna Chooks, I take the natural path and provide products which are rich in flavour without the added nasties.
Drop by and have a taste
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