PurJus Leather Bags & Accessories

PurJusShop is a vibrant collection of handmade bags and accessories.

Having worked with leather for 30 years, 2 years ago I started making geometric leather bags in stunning metallics. As a result of custom requests, the shop has now matured into an exciting range of unique leather bags and accessories.
The leathers I work with include premium soft and printed, embossed or foiled (holographic included).

I have been fascinated by the techniques of the Japanese kimono makers for years, and started collecting the fabrics years ago. To think these fabrics were woven so intricately more than 50 years ago is amazing. Some of these are used to line the bags, giving them a unique and surprising finish you won't find anywhere else.

Every bag I make is exciting for me and the customer, every time a unique experience. The leather accessories make unique gifts for gals and guys.

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PurJusShop metallics
PurJusShop metallics
PurJusShop bags
PurJusShop bags
PurJusShop rustic bags
PurJusShop rustic bags
Metallic Tote with coin purse
Metallic Tote with coin purse
NEW for Dec 2017 Market
NEW for Dec 2017 Market

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