Sun & Flower Studios

Sun & Flower Studios is a resistant force against the empire of wasteful, poor-quality fashion made in unethical conditions. Inspired by the 'buy once, buy well' movement, I strive to make items that are long-lasting, ethically sourced, and really bloomin' cute. Whether it's an adorable stegosaurus coat for your favourite doggo, or lovingly handcrafted crochet string bags to do your weekly shop in, each item is underscored by the belief that things should be useful, made with love, and as pretty as humanly possible.

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Sun & Flower Studios x Ash Frost Art: Summer 2019 Collection
Sun & Flower Studios x Ash Frost Art: Summer 2019 Collection
Pineapple bag
Pineapple bag
Card and Brooch
Card and Brooch

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